Why it’s not about a coaching qualification...

When I first started out coaching I was very focused on my studies. I would intensely work through all my coaching qualification materials convinced that inside lay the key to me being a good coach. 

That certification gave my ego the nod it needed to say I wasn’t a fraud.

As I started out each new coaching session I  would use carefully laid out coaching models. It gave me confidence that I would have value. 
And here lies the mistake I made. The course, the accreditation, did have value. It gave me knowledge, a firm understanding of what being a coach meant and ideas of practices to help people. But it didn’t give me value.

It helped me be a good coach. But not an excellent one. 

Yes I knew how to ask smart questions, use nifty techniques to help people work through things. But I was making little space for where the absolute gold happens. 

For what I realise now, is that when we step up to help and guide people, it is never purely about the certification. It’s about the sum of our personal experiences, our pain, our struggle, our empathy. The work we ourselves have done to unlock our souls. It’s about the things we have experienced and worked through as children, partners, mothers, people. It’s the times we’ve felt not enough or pushed past crippling self doubt and fear and done it anyway.

It’s about our ability to connect to something greater than us and to use it on behalf of others. It’s having the ability to look beyond our client’s words and use everyone of our senses to understand what someone is truly feeling, saying, blocked about. It’s having that ability to listen to your intuition as it tells you something is off about the use of that certain word. It is being so out of your head and focused on them, that you are taking in everything. Their slightest move, the way they breathe, the deflection of an answer. All these things are telling. When you truly are there to connect (not to impress) your client you become in flow, a channel, and a bridge between source and them. When you truly own all of your experiences and know that is enough to make you powerful at what you do. The magic happens. 

⭐ Never doubt the power and wisdom you have from all your experiences.

⭐  Never doubt that you are unique and wise and so full love that you can somehow always find the right words, right questions and the right time for silence.

⭐  Never underestimate the power of holding space for your clients.

⭐  Never doubt the power of loving, focused energy to transform.

⭐  Never doubt the power of trust. 

I am really good at what I do because I trust.

⭐  I trust in myself.

⭐  I trust I am being guided to deliver exactly what the person working with me needs.

⭐  I trust that my love and energy alone is enough to help people transform.

⭐  I trust I am here to heal and it will come at exactly the right time for my clients.

⭐  I trust that everybody gets exactly what they need working with me.

⭐  I trust that I will always own the things I need to work through so that it can help others.

So remind yourself of this...

Trust yourself to be in flow when you help others. Trust a force greater than you will always assist you. Trust you have everything you need inside of you. Trust you have learnt and are learning everything you need in order that you can help others.

Trust your value was never found in a piece of paper. 

Trust it has always been within.

Caroline Britton