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Caroline is a certified business coach, gifted energy healer and psychic, numerologist, Priestess and a powerful channel for source, Caroline is unlike any other coach, mentor or guide you will work with. Frequently met with rave reviews Caroline is changing countless lives.


Caroline worked for over 14 years in a global consultancy. She has been featured in Forbes, The Telegraph, Red Magazine, The Metro and appeared as an expert commentator in many other publications and featured on numerous podcast interviews.

A mother to two and combining the unusual combination of a corporate background and highly intuitive and psychic gifts Caroline’s work has been highly acclaimed by many.

Caroline has coached and healed a variety of people - from CEO’s to celebrities, sports professionals to budding entrepreneurs, working professionals and spiritual leaders.

Through a combination of energy work, strategy, healing, intuition - she achieves unbelievable results. Whether it’s a desire to know yourself more fully, to create a life you truly love, to heal trauma, to re-connect to your soul or spirit or to find peace, joy, and contentment. Caroline is your woman.


 listen to Caroline on the Balance podcast



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 Hi, I’m Caroline Britton

I am a self made entrepreneur, a healer, a spiritual teacher, a coach and highly skilled and trained in various Divination tools.

I write this because if you had asked me four years I would have written “I am stuck.”

My life has changed immeasurably over the last few years and I credit it down to this simple formula…

I’ve always done the internal work to get the external rewards.


Working with me means working through layers of conditioning and patriarchal paradigms, going within for the answers, connecting with both source and soul and being prepared to look at yourself and the world in a whole different way.

I know exactly how to use both the divine masculine and feminine energies in equal measure and how to be led by the heart and then to use the head to help work out how to make it happen. 

I am here to show you how to connect to who you really are - beyond the conditioning, the labels, the ego, the pain, the limiting beliefs. Through a combination of healing, coaching, guiding and my psychic gift I will connect you TO YOU on the most intimate level and bring you back home.

My mission is to bring you home to your true self, your purpose, your joy and your connection to your Divine light. Home to you.




 I don’t believe there is a co-incidence why my website or I have found my way to you. Things often appear when we are ready for them.

Having spent 14 years working for a global management consultancy in London I wore a cloak of many things I was not for years. Although it served me well with career progression I was left feeling empty, lost, anxious & full of self-critical beliefs. I am a mother of two small children and was exhausted from ignoring my soul’s true purpose and my natural gifts. I was so conditioned to believe that logic and reason came above my incredibly witchy intuition that I started to shut the latter down.


After several interventions from the Universe over two years and then being signed off from work with Shingles, stress and anxiety….. I finally got the message. It was a time to step up, to do the internal work and get out of my own way.

Once I started a commitment to becoming the best possible version of myself, my life started changing immeasurably.


I have now reclaimed my ability to be able to connect to source and to meet people at a soul level.

My purpose is focused on guiding, teaching, healing, inspiring and mentoring. .

Having gone on to resign, train as a coach, build a successful multiple 6 figure coaching business & allow my healing gift to shine. I have gone on to transform myself & my life & feel connected to my soul’s purpose. I have also done the same with thousands of clients - getting astonishing results in the process. It’s not been the easiest of rides but I am here to teach you everything I’ve learnt. The power of going within, of getting the right support and the magic that happens when you show up and commit to going within.

Want to hear more about my story? Click here to listen to my interview with Balance podcast…




“Well what can I say – except that I am a different person today to the one who first met Caroline. Her ability to understand who you are, what you need and the dream that you are striving for makes her a joy to work with.  I always find value in her insights, her brilliant mind & honesty about the hard work that you need to put in – but this is all delivered with genuine feeling, a necessary sense of humour and a proven passion for helping people get the life they want. Thank you for being on my team.”


 “With my hand to god, as I wave goodbye to Caroline, my phone rings. Would I like to work on a secret TV project? Yes please. I’ve since signed an NDA like the Yellow Pages, so have to leave that there. Several other opportunities land on my lap in the next few days, including a recent dream gig at the iconic London Palladium (check my Instagram for proof).”



“Caroline creates a space where you feel like you are in a committed relationship. A relationship where deep healing and transformation can take place and designed to help you genuinely move to the next level of your life - and be a more you version of you than you could ever have imagined.”