What if things just got better and better?
What about if you played with this question every single day…. "What if things just got better and better for me?"
Think about what might happen. Think about how intentional this question is. Think about all the doors it is opening. All the energy that it is expanding.
Because we know this.. EVERYTHING is energy.
Every thought we think, feeling we have, word we speak, action we take is focusing energy. Whether you understand why or not. I want you to really lock this in.
You are incredibly powerful. When you truly wrap your head around that and know that you have the power to emit and focus a frequency of energy to attract everything you desire… it becomes a game changer.
So I want you to start here.
Get out your journal and connect into this question… see what stream of consciousness flows…..
What if things just get better and better for me? What does that look like? Feel like? What is happening in all areas of my life?
Allow yourself to go there, to open up, to expand. You will feel your expansion… you will feel you opening up. You will feel the energetic shift.
And then it may come… those creeping doubts, that fear of having more, of having it all of. Of why me, how me… of who am I to have all of this?
And this is when the pivotal moment comes.
I want you to unsubscribe to anything but the belief it gets better and better. That you become more and more abundant. That you are more and more supported.
I want you to start nudging into that next level.
Start unsubscribing to anything that contradicts it. Start forming a different belief that you always get to have more of what you desire. Start locking in the belief that by feeling that everything is consistently improving… it HAS to happen.
Then everyday I want you to play with the question… write back and let me know what happens.
Because magic will.