My secret to how I got here….

A client asked me the other day my secret to getting to where I am now [and believe me there is so much more to come… I feel like I am only getting warmed up].

So I wanted to share my answer with you.
Every day I lean into showing up and BEING the version of me that is living the life of her dreams and I mean the BIG dream.

I lean into the version of me that has unlocked every part of her soul’s desire and her reason for being here. The version of me that has realised everything she ever dreamed of. The best selling author, the international speaker, the spiritual coach to the most influential people in the world. The writer, the seer, the Priestess, the healer, the spiritual guide for millions.

Every day I ask myself THIS..

How does she show up for life, business, relationships and her body?

How does she spend her money?

What does she know to be true about life and the universe?

How does she speak, act and think?

What does she believe to be true?

What does she know to be true?

What kind of decisions does she make?

Then I embody it everyday. I embody her everyday. I act from the place of the future me everyday.

Even when it feels uncomfortable or uncertain or risky. 

Even when it makes no logical sense. 

Especially when it makes no logical sense.

When it comes to big investments in my business - I show up and spend as her. I spend as the person who has that money. Even if I can’t see it in tangible form. Even when it scares me.

When it comes to decisions in my business - I make them based on what she would say yes and no to. Even when it means scaling back a significant stream of income in the belief another avenue gets to open up for me.

Because this is what I wholeheartedly believe.

The me that was stuck in the corporate world and struggling with most areas of my life. She had a different belief system, different stories, a different way of viewing money, investment, herself.

The me now thinks differently. She honours expansion, gut, soul, instinct, an inner knowing, a higher connection. She believes she gets to have it ALL.

And then the me in the future - she’s at a whole new level.

So how do I become that version of me that I know is my destiny? 

I follow her. I speak to her. I act like her. Think like her. Believe like her.

I connect to her everyday and lean more and more into the fullness of being purely me.

Caroline Britton