Do you feel like you are imagining it?
Do you feel like you are imagining it?
⭐ The unshakable feeling you are here to do BIG things
⭐ The intuitive nudges that you are supposed to be honouring a new and expansive path
⭐ The downloads you get telling you something about a situation, a person or something you are supposed to do
⭐ The inner knowing that you are powerful beyond all measure
⭐ The feeling that we are undergoing a huge change that is coming up from the very core of earth
⭐ The psychic pulls, feelings, mutterings… those moments when you just seem to KNOW something
And then you falter…. You falter because it seems ludicrous. How can you possibly KNOW something based on a feeling? A whisper? A hunch?
And what if you are imagining it and you start to depend on it… and everything falls apart, people think you’ve gone nuts, it backfires?
Isn’t it incredible the depths of our conditioning?
That thousands of years of patriarchal constructs have conditioned us to detach from the very power that lies within every one of us.
Isn’t it amazing how we’ve been taught to revere logic, fear based paradigms, a mind that views us as separate from what we want to create. A world where we are told…. Look outside of you for everything… validation, success, knowledge.
So I am here to remind you of what you know already. What you feel right in the depths of your bones.
You are the power.
You are the light.
You are the miracle.
You are source.
You are one.
It was NEVER outside of you.
The sooner we all wake up to this, the more powerful we become.
Because imagine this…
Imagine a world where everyone stops looking outside of them and they connect in with their power.
The same power that…
Moves the oceans…
Lights the sky….
Creates life….
It is then we become unstoppable. We become light. We awaken everything - the codes that are inside of us, the ascension that is laying dormant.
Then the alchemy happens. Denser vibrations to higher vibrations. Dark into light. We into one.
You are not imagining it.
You are IT.