What I learnt when something went wrong...

When I resigned from my corporate job I was expecting a large bonus which was due to come to me the month I was leaving to set up my business.

I was relying on this bonus as an income whilst I set up my business and concentrated on getting more clients.

A week before I was due to receive the bonus I got an email from the company saying it wouldn't be paid.

I was at the swimming pool watching my reluctant toddler get into the pool.

I remember just feeling pure panic.

Like there was no safety net.

And in that moment something happened.

I made a decision that panicking wasn't going to help and instead decided it was for my greatest good.

Perhaps it was to make sure that I went all in.

The thing is because my back was against the wall...

I needed to show up - even though I wanted to hide.

I needed to take big action.

I needed to tell people what I was doing so I could grow my business.

I needed to make it work.

I needed to take total responsibility.

In that moment something huge shifted in my energy and this resolve came across me. I just decided it had to work.

Now are you ready for the magic?

The Quantum field responded immediately.

7 minutes in fact.

An email landed 7 minutes later from the Features Editor of Red Magazine.

They wanted to publish a guest speaker article I had submitted months ago.

The Universe had responded to my vibration.

To my trust.

HUGE things can happen when we go with the flow and don't push against the obstacles.

When we see them as blessings.

For those who need to hear this today ask yourself:

What could your current obstacles be helping you with?

Where can you work with the power of choice and see this as a blessing?

What can you choose this gets to empower for you today?

Caroline Britton