Are you still remembering to play in your life, work and business?

Are you still remembering to play in your life, work and business?

When we commit to growth or are focused on meeting the demands of our business/work it can all become very serious in feel.

Which let’s face it, is not a fun vibe.

Before we know it we’ve lost the magic. The spark. It’s all become about numbers and growth and progress and pressure.

The key thing here is that the magic of life and your business comes when you are finding the joy in NOW.

When you are playful and open and curious.

When you approach challenges as the Universe helping to guide you on your highest path.

When you stop making it all about getting somewhere and instead make it about the life you are living.

This means starting to prioritise what brings you alive.

How do you actually want to do life and business and work right now?

Not because it gets you somewhere but because it feels good right now.

We often wait until the promise of the next level of success to get our dream day in place, spend more time in nature, be more present, access more joy.

It never comes, the goal posts get moved again.

But the success of living IS experiencing those things. Right now.

How might things change if that became your focus?

Caroline Britton