There are some extra-ordinary gifts available to you

There are some extra-ordinary gifts available to you.

Gifts to be able to
⭐ Feel things
⭐ Know things
⭐ See things
⭐Hear things

Beyond what your human mind can see or think.

When we are seeking clarity, focus and understanding we tend to go to the mind.

We ruminate. Analyse. Predict.

Frequently we pull on old beliefs and conditioning to dictate our ‘truth’.

Or we may look outside and ask someone else to tell us, to confirm it and to prove it.

But what if I told you this.

With practice, silence and focus you can become so tuned into your body and intuition that you just “know”.

You know the truths.

When you start deepening your practice, the extra-ordinary opens up to you.

It’s like an internal GPS that is operating within you between soul and source.

So where do you start?

With the body.

It knows.

It understands when something is off.

Or when something is very much on.

It understands desires and freedom and how to liberate you from all that binds you.

Try setting a reminder twice a day or your phone. Then ask your body a question you need an answer to.

Write down the guidance somewhere.

Then repeat.

Before you know it you will be so tuned in that this will become your go to.

Your power is back.

You become unstoppable.

Caroline Britton