Understanding the power of your word

As is customary as I come towards the end of my holiday, I feel compelled to take myself to wherever I am guided and to write.

To declare.

To commit.

Today it fell on the powerful Lionsgate 8-8 portal, but the synchronicity of events that have lead me to this moment, is what has astounded me most.

It’s like all the lessons of the last 9 months have come together and make sense.

The perfect book, conversation, dream, t shirt slogan have appeared, in the perfect sequence.

I understand now a deeper why.

And the change and shift in my being that is required, and now done, to honour my next call to service. Service to myself and others.

I read in a book about Steve Hardison that “when one is committed, everything moves to the commitment, like a black hole.”

It’s beyond trying and setting goals and hoping, it’s a dedication to action and who you are being. It’s a declaration of truth and power and a total unwavering commitment to making it so.

As I sat today to write, I declared my word is my law, that what I write today. I commit to.

I took that commitment very seriously.

I thought about what I wrote because I knew once I declared it. I won’t turn back.

As I finished declaring through the power of my written and spoken word I went to the counter to pay.

The young Greek girl behind the counter asked me if I was a writer and I replied yes.

I asked her how she knew and she said she felt she recognised me.

I explained I had just written a book.

She then asked me if I was famous.

In this moment I knew I was to say yes.

That it was really significant that I did.

I had just declared the level of my impact and willingness to be seen. I had cast it as law.

Now I was being asked to declare it outside of my journal, my thoughts, my heart. In a public space to someone I didn’t know.

My ego retreated, my soul replied “Yes I am, for magic.”

It was a moment of writing made manifest. It was the power of my word in action. It was a deeper witnessing of all I wrote - about impact, service to millions, visibility and legacy.

Today, on this day, I want you to remember the power of your word.

You are constantly creating with it.

With every word you speak, you write, you affirm… you are creating. It crafts who you be. What you do. The action you take.

What would happen if everything you spoke or wrote became your law, your declaration, your commitment.

What will you speak into existence?

Caroline Britton