Allowing yourself to be fully seen
I’ve recently taken 4 days off social media to reflect on the workshops I’ve been running and to make sure I am looking after my energy.
There has been something key come through that I want to share, in the hope it will help you.
During these workshops I have fully allowed myself to be seen.
I’ve let my gift to be able to pull information through from source take centre stage.
My ego and the need to prove I am good enough have taken a back seat.
My gift has led.
I’ve done this in front of
My parents
Famous people
If I’ve felt the call to run a session by providing everyone with a psychic reading, I have.
If I’ve been called to run a session through energy work and touch I have.
If I’ve been called to use my words and teach I have.
This is a reminder that the world needs you and your gifts. Just as they are.
A reminder of the importance of service, trust and love and owning who you are.
Not everyone is going to like it but you will help many, many people who were destined to cross your path.
To let go of the expectations from others about who you should be, how you should lead, how you should grow… frees you.