Want to pull in your desires from the Quantum then listen closely to this..
Want to pull in your desires from the Quantum then listen closely to this..
You need to work on how you view yourself.
Your identity.
What you believe is possible for you.
Commit daily to embodying the person you are becoming.
What does this mean?
Notice where the vibration of what you think + feel + act doesn’t match what you desire.
Say you dream of great wealth + impact but walk around worrying, playing it small, fixating on lack. You stop and notice this isn’t a match. For if you were a person with great wealth then you wouldn’t be consumed with these thoughts. So what would you be thinking? What would you be feeling? What would you be doing?
Then go practice being that. Every day.
Say you dream of being visible and helping millions but then you find yourself not saying what you want to say or being fixated on protecting yourself from criticism. Again, notice the vibrational disconnect and ask yourself how you would be thinking and showing up if that visibility was already so.
Then go practice being that. Every day.
Acting, thinking and feeling from “beyond” means we tap into our ability to imagine. We play the role of that person. We trust that it’s as real and available to us as anything.
So let’s start with your identity.
If I was to ask you how you view yourself and what is possible for you - would it be a match to your desires?
And if I was to ask you how committed you are to being that person despite the noise of your mind, the opinions of your ego, your past experiences, your lack of evidence, what would you say?