Trusting when things are meant just for you

Yesterday I wrote to one of my best friends and said I’ve got a big pull to share what I’ve been going through but I am terrified. I then sent her loads of emojis that looked like this 🤢

I said I hadn’t felt so scared to put something out there to my community since I wrote my post 5 years ago owning my spiritual gifts. 

She wrote back “Standing in truth like this and sharing is sooooo powerful.”

Since I put my post out there, I’ve experienced an outpouring of love of the likes I wasn’t expecting.

Message after message.

Offers of love, kindness and support. 

I cannot tell you how much it means to me. 

For those of you who have a community or even something they want to share more publicly please know this. 

There is no rush, no musts, no rulebook. 

It didn’t feel right for me to share this as I was going through it. 

I didn’t feel strong enough and I couldn’t make sense of any of it when I was in it. 

I was in total survival. 

I really honoured that. 

As much as I value the power of my voice with the work I do, sometimes we have seasons where things are meant just for us. 

Even after I had the message to start rebuilding at the end of December, I still felt called to spend 8 weeks embodying the changes. I still didn’t feel ready to share. 

The reason I write this is that we can’t be rushed. 

We can’t be forced. 

When we are in tune with what we need we get to trust when the time is to go, to stop, to pause. What and when we get to share and how. 

Celebrating more and more people finding their unique way that feels good and safe for them. 

Thank you again, I am so grateful. I read every comment at least twice  

Caroline Britton