I am falling in love with the process of transforming...

When I committed to my fitness journey in January 2024 I thought it would be solely about the results.

It turns out as amazing as seeing the results are, I am also really falling in love with the process of transforming.

There has been so much healing for me as I transform my physical body.

With every run, every step, every weight it’s starting to shift something in me.

With every pound I am shedding, I shed a bit more emotional heaviness from last year.

As I build physical strength, I build emotional and mental strength too.

I am 8 weeks into an intense 6 month program.

It’s teaching me so much about
Showing up for myself
Falling in love with the highs and lows of the process 

It’s adding so much to my life, my business, my teachings.

It’s reminding me how strong I am, how capable I am, how resilient I am.

8 weeks ago my body felt and looked unfamiliar.

Achy, inflamed, tired, stressed, hyper vigilant, detached.

8 weeks in I look and feel totally different.

It reminds me so much of the approach that creates magic in business.

Magic is created in our lives when we understand the power of commitment and decision.

When we trust where we are being guided and know that the perfect people, situations, coaches and guides will show up to help us realise that dream.

When we refuse to give power to the voice of fear and doubt.

When we trust in the power of showing up for ourselves each and every day.

When you make that 'all in' decision the Universe responds to it like it does to a black hole.

You become magnetic. A power drawing in all you need from that frequency within you.

What are you ready to go ALL IN on?

Caroline Britton