Surrendering to the whirlwind of change

Surrendering to the whirlwind of change.

In 4 months I have navigated a lot of change…

Adjusting to a new family dynamic
Opening a new business
Co-founding a new exciting venture
Matt moving to New York for 3 months
Running a business in more condensed hours 

At the moment, I am focusing on trusting in the change of pace.

Surrendering to what has left and what has come in.

Trying hard to meet myself with grace.

Trying hard to quiet the voice that wants to crack on and instead listen to the voice that tells me to rest.

I really want to understand why

The hold up in some areas
The lightening pace in others
The absence of some things
The presence of others 

But for now I know it’s not supposed to make sense.

But it will.

In the meantime.

I Trust.

Caroline Britton