Speaking your truth

For those who needed to hear this today.

Sometimes life demands of us that we speak our truth.

This means having difficult conversations.

With ourselves.

With others.

So many of us are blocked in the throat chakra.

The throat years to speak, to scream, to express... yet it is not allowed.

The mind comes first.

It warns the throat:

Don't be too much.

Don't ask too much.

Don't express too much...

If this sounds like you... please know that your throat is a powerful source of activation.

When unlocked it allows the power within you to rise and be felt.

It is a place of true power because of it's wildness. It's lack of conforming.

A good place to begin is with yourself, speak words that are loving and true and powerful.

Speak words of gratitude and love for yourself.

Speak words that are true, a yes where you mean yes and a no where you mean no.

Use your throat to say what you actually want to say and what you actually want to see.

It truly can change your life.

Caroline Britton