A little glimpse into my New Year rituals

Over the next 3 days I will spend 3-4 hours a day reflecting on 2023 and getting really clear on 2024. 

It will be the most powerful 12 hours I can spend in setting myself up for this year.

I will set myself up at my kitchen table and do pages of exercises, fill in my huge 2024 year planner and go through every bit of my business. 

I am a strong believer in the power of intentionally focusing your energy so you have a clear vision for the year ahead. 

I will spend hours on what I want to call in during 2024. What I desire 2024 to look like and feel like in every area of my life.

I will go through what did and did not work for me in 2023 and where I want to be in 2024 with my health, work, finances, love, friendships, relationships, joy and happiness. 

I will lean strongly into the feminine. What feels good, an energetic context for the year (the intention through which I want everything to pass - if it doesn’t align it doesn’t come in) and listen VERY closely to where I am being guided. Even if it does not make sense. In fact that is usually where I listen most closely. 

I will work with the masculine. How I am going to use discipline and have a plan to get me to where I want to be. Ways in which I am going to choose to show up. 

I will look at the business in detail. Being brave enough to stop things that don’t feel right any more and to show up for things which are entirely new. 

These 12 hours will deepen my trust in myself and my ability to lead my team.

Have me show up and lead from a place of power.

Give me a powerful anchor for where I am heading and to know I’ve been absolutely clear on what I am asking for.

The key thing here is to release the how. Often it doesn’t come in as and when we thought but the curveballs, re-directions, supposed blocks and bizarre synchronicities are usually helping. Weaving out new paths we wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. 

Remember you are a powerful energetic being and you get to send your energy forwards. Focus on where you want to be. Spend the time getting clear. 

Then trust as it weaves its magic into the yet not seen. 

Wishing you a blessed and magical 2024.

May you trust in the power of you. 

Caroline Britton