What I am borrowing from my business for my fitness journey..

Excitingly this year I am prioritising my body, health and fitness.

There is so much I am borrowing from my business journey and applying to my fitness journey. Tip: if you need clues for how to be more successful in your business journey look at an area of your life you find easy (health, friendships, relationships, money etc) and look at your beliefs, behaviours, thought patterns and borrow them.

Below I’ve listed the key things that are helping me. Feel free to try on any that feel good for you.

Focusing on the long game. I am very aware that I could get frustrated two weeks in that I am not where I want to be. That would be the same as being 14 days into my business and getting annoyed I don’t have sold out programs and client places. The results are a sum of the parts

I have a vision - I know how I will feel and why it’s important to me. I spend time connecting to this for motivation and to anchor it into my reality

I am taking consistent action. I am not looking to run an ultra marathon tomorrow - I am working in increments and I am valuing being consistent rather then hammering it. Consistency is key for both. Each week I am stretching myself a little bit more

I’ve got some milestones in. I’ve booked a 10k run and 150km walk for April/May. I am already the person who shows up for this and I have something to work towards. Giving yourself key dates will help you prepare to get more and more out of your comfort zone

I’ve got support - I’ve invested in a 1:1 fitness coach and I trust their experience. This has saved me loads of time. I will use their expertise with my own intuition to create magic

I have done the mindset work - I know I am capable of doing this. I am shifting the blocks as and when they come.

⭐ I decided. It’s a non negotiable. I chose it and it’s done. No matter how long it takes me or how loud the ego gets.

⭐ The longer term vision is more important that quick wins. I don’t negotiate on what I feel is possible for me and I hold the energy of that. I have standards and hold these - even if it looks like it’s taking longer than I hoped 

If you are growing your business or getting fit swap out this question…

When am I going to see results


If I continue with this consistency, this decisiveness, this belief… where might I be in 6 months? 

Time to journal and see what comes up. 

Excited to shared the journey with you!

Caroline Britton