Navigating the void...

One of the things I commonly hold my clients and myself through is what I call the void.

The void is that time where we have let go of all that doesn't feel like it is true for us anymore and where we are waiting it out for the bigger, more expansive stuff to come in to land.

The void does not feel fun when you are in it.

It's a time where the doubts come flying at you - what if you have made the wrong decision, what if you got too big for your boots, what if it never comes and you should have just stayed with what felt familiar?

The void is the space in between the old leaving and the new coming in that feels like scary unchartered waters.

This is the bit where you have let go of the shore and are floating in the middle of an ocean with no sight of the land you are heading towards [yet.]

As scary as this place is, it is almost one of the most magical. One of THE most powerful.

The void is a place of deep creation. Like a cauldron where you are creating these powerful chemical reactions within the Universe to send things flying into the vacuum that you have created.

The void is your black hole of infinite possibility.

When you find yourself in the void it is time to deepen your trust with the co-creative powers of The Universe. Keep using the power of your word and affirming what it is you desire. Keep asking yourself how much more amazing it could get to be. Keep gaining momentum by acting each and every day from wherever you are guided. Keep asking for signs. Keep dreaming bigger.

And remember this.

It is in these moments when we find ourselves lost at sea that makes us. It's a time where we always gets to deepen our relationship with ourselves. Where we get to stand witness to the powerful creators we are.

Caroline Britton