So many of us are part of a great untangling....
So many of us are part of a great untangling.
As we remember who we truly are from who we were told to be.
As we return to our truest essence of love instead of focusing on what separates us.
So many of us are intertwined in the stories, the conditioning, the unconscious that we have forgotten where the real us begins and the constructed us ends.
We are taught that our value, worth and wisdom comes from outside of us.
We are fed with all the ways we are limited.
All the things to fear.
All the ways we are not enough.
This is why we must be prepared to do the work.
Both men and women.
To be prepared to go to uncomfortable places and be with ourselves.
To look at things we don’t want to look at.
To hold ourselves accountable for connecting back to the true us.
So we can get back to the truth of all that we are.
So we can come here and be what we came here to be.
So we can break cycles, patterns, generational traumas, separateness.
And build the new.
We don’t do it because we are broken and need to be fixed.
There is no fixed.
You were never broken.
We do it because this is what sets us free.
The beauty of this is that you don’t have to do it alone.
Incredible men and women are rising from everywhere who are here to guide.
Who are here to help you untangle.
Get the support.
Find your tribe.
Work with source.
Seek out experts.
Trust yourself.
This is for all of us.
For now and for the generations to come.