My thoughts on 2021
I bring you this after a period of great introspection. Like many of us I felt that 2020 had energetically ‘roughed me up’ a little. I felt a deep need to go within over the last few weeks... to go quiet, to step away from social media and to calibrate my energy. This has been steadily creeping upon me since November with the start of a nasty eye infection which quite literally shut off my vision so I could see things differently began.
Many of you in my audience will likely be great empaths, feeling the heaviness of the world around you. You may have felt like it was like a heavy load you were carrying as you felt the experiences of many who are experiencing loss, fear and uncertainty at the moment. For me, it felt like even stepping outside my front door would drain me.
There was also the bombardment of opinions, of divisive camps, of people telling me what to think, how to be, what is right, what is wrong, what is true and what is not. Sometimes my head would spin as I would listen to so many differing opinions and conspiracies and schools of thought. My vibration all of a sudden seemed dependent on what I had absorbed that day.
Then it clicked in for me. As much as I don’t really listen to the news, I surely had to be equally mindful of what I was consuming in other ways. There was a very real part of me who wanted to make sense of all of this, to help, to create change and to be given the answers from other people - people who are seers, spiritual leaders, activists and so on. I would listen to what they say and then decide whether to take it on as my opinion. Yet something just wasn’t sitting right.
I was missing the point.
The point is that for far too long we have given our power away to something outside of us. To someone else. Be it the news, spiritual leaders, social media, society, government, conditioning. We have given our power away willingly - most of us have a part of us who wants to be told how to think. Who wants to be told what is true and what is not.
For me 2021 is about coming back to our relationships with ourselves. With our souls. The place where the light shines brightly.
2021 will likely see more and more opinions, more and more divisiveness, more and more people vying to tell you how to think and how to behave. On both sides of the camp.
There is currently a place for all of it, this is simply different paradigms playing out so that we can witness which ones we might want to exist in.
But for me, I am doing it differently this year.
I am going to trust everything I am being shown inside of me. I am going to be finding silence and connecting to what wants to come through on it’s own. Through me and not through others. I am going to be connecting into my ability to see whatever is trying to be shown.
I am going to be watching closely for things that lower my vibration, as well meaning as they are.
I am going to be honouring my internal well, energy and vibration with ferociousness.
I am going to be putting my energy into the world I want to see and not how it appears to be now.
I am going to build on my ability as a powerful creator of light to shine as brightly as I can this year.
I am going to be guiding many people through the dark, not by telling them how to think but by getting them to trust what they are being shown.
I am going to be steadfastly committed to myself as a force of light that moves from within.
I am going to back myself to find my answers, my guidance, my truth.
Because you don’t need to give your power away anymore. If 2020 showed us anything, it is that.
Your solace is not to be found in the governments, the spiritual leaders, the seers, the opinions on Social Media, the views of your loved ones or peers. It is not to be found in the insatiable desire to be told what things mean or how they really are.
It is to be found WITHIN you.
If you would just come away from the noise you will realise...
⭐ How much you may have been relying on others to tell you what to think, feel, do and act
⭐ How you know and feel and sense more than you ever dreamed was possible
⭐ How you can go into the darkness and trust that you can find the light
⭐ How you can be an agent of great change
⭐ How it all starts, finishes and continues with the part of you who knows she is pure universal intelligence, oneness, source.
⭐ How powerful you are in your ability to create a new world
⭐ How there is a power so mighty that is trying to move from within you and guide you… one which radiates the light, love and joy we are all seeking
Mighty mighty seeds are being planted at this time. From which great oaks will grow.
I trust that the light will show it’s way to you.
And the way will be made much clearer if you hold yourself accountable to let yourself have those moments of stillness, of quietness, of witnessing, of observation. Of putting your phone down for the answers and simply asking what wants to be shown from within.
For in these moments lays the truth.
You’ve always known all that you are and all that can be.
You’ve always known light, love and oneness.
You’ve always known your truth.
With love,
Caroline x