A letter to my fellow empaths
To my fellow empaths...
I see you.
I see how you carry the weight of the world upon your shoulders.
How you want to fix and protect everyone and everything.
How you step outside and yearn to hug and touch and console.
How you feel the heaviness and the fear.
How hard it is to shake off the energy of the density prevailing and purging at the moment.
How you cry for others.
How you absorb the darkness of others.
How you shy away from those programs, the news, the darkness because it’s too much to bare.
How you can’t understand people who lack love and compassion and empathy.
How you feel so shaky, ungrounded and exhausted at the moment.
How you can’t shake off that feeling.
How you worry.
How you care.
How easy it is for you to become depleted.
How much you are pumping out into the world right now.
All that beautiful light within you.
Please know this.
We are needed.
Our empathy and sensitivity is a gift. Of great magnitude.
But our gift lessens when we don’t honour ourselves.
So please remember to look after yourself first and foremost. This can be in any way that feels good but this is what helps me.
Grounding - every morning.
Taking breaks from information overloads (in all areas - media, social media, opinion overload.)
Regular saging
Calling on protection - asking your spirit team or Archangel Metratron or Michael to cleanse your energy each night as you sleep.
To protect yourself with golden light throughout your day.
To let Gaia support you - you can send her your worries.
To get out in nature.
To honour your need for rest and boundaries first.
To take salt baths.
To journal through your shadow work.
To honour that your light gets to serve you first, as it fills you up ... it will spill out.
Today this message came through.
We are one of the most needed resources on this planet at the moment.
You are such a gift to us all.
Please treat yourself as such.
With love,
Caroline x