Holding the power...

The power coming through for me is extra-ordinary. It defies logic. It’s being activated at hyper speed.

I find it amazing that after months of deep discomfort about the level of growth I said yes to, I get to experience the flip side of holding power at this level.

Many of us have a strange relationship with power, especially as women.

I don’t mean power with control.

I mean internal power.

Fire in your belly.

The feeling like your cells are being expanded within your body.

A power that connects you directly to source.

A power that can be scary to hold in your body because you feel truly limitless.

Today I want you to explore how are you feeling about your power?

Do you resist it? Limit it? Block it?

Many of us are scared of how powerful we are.

So instead we distract ourselves, numb ourselves or hand our power to those around us.

It feels safer to be told what to do.

To be told how to be more enough.

To be told we need fixing.

But there is a part of you that knows.

Knows you are enough.

Knows your unlimited power.

Knows the depths that your soul and heart will go to, to change this world.

When I teach, do energy work, attune, I have to be comfortable with the amount of power I can hold in my body.

I have to be comfortable that for some people, it may be too much.

But for some of you, the power I hold, is the opportunity for you to play in the same paradigm of re-claiming your power.

Deep in your soul you will know when it’s your time.

You will know when you are being called back to claim the powerful frequencies you are ready to hold.

Caroline Britton