We have BIG news...
So the BIG news.
Recently we crossed over the £1,000,000 in sales mark.
7 figures created in 3 years and 9 months.
It was and is a BIG moment for me.
When I realised I had a cry.
Like a full on cry.
I was on the phone to my team at the time and I was full on sobbing into my hands.
Because honestly, part of me still feels like that person who was sitting at her desk a few years ago with no clue about what I was doing. Who was driven by a really strong intuitive pull that I was supposed to branch out alone and do something helping people but who was stuck in fear that it wasn’t the best move if it didn’t work out.
And quite frankly I had no idea that it would.
I was overcome with emotion because I can’t quite believe that a part of me knew this and was prepared to chose it even though her current situation looked far from ideal. (Credit card debt, two small children, no clue on running a business, zero clients.....)
So I’ve been taking some time to reflect.
On what I wanted to share about my journey to this point. What I can share that may help you, maybe even reaching some of you who find yourself with a current reality that looks far from ideal or like it’s working out.
The first thing is loud and clear for me.
⭐ If I can do it, then you can. I mean that totally. You have to believe in yourself and trust you can do it. Even with the doubt, the fear, the knocks, the set backs. Even when things look like they aren’t going well. Believe you can.
⭐ Realise that the fear really doesn’t go away, it’s just a new level each time. The best thing to do is to make peace with it’s existence. Don’t make decisions from fear and don’t become a prisoner to its limited narrative. Yes, the ego and fear are there to help but recognise their limitations in how much perspective they can get. If I had listened to the fear I would not be here now.
⭐ You’ve got to trust it’s going to work out. There have been many many times when it looked like it wouldn’t (my business bank account frozen for two years so I had to start again, making big investments in courses and teams that sometimes worked and other times taught me lessons, being criticised, heckled in workshops, doing launches & them not filling, the list goes on). Trust it will one day come together. Forget how you think it’s going to happen and be flexible and open to change.
⭐ I’ve done it my way and so can you. I don’t do ads, I have a 2000 person mailing list, I don’t cold sales or spam people, I don’t tell people they have to work with me, I don’t subscribe to traditional coaching models and systems. I work in a very unique, non traditional way and the more I’ve owned that, the more rapidly we’ve grown.
⭐ Service is the most important thing. Of yourself and others. It’s what expedites money flow. It’s not lost on me that we were way over the 7 figure mark before we realised, we’ve been so focused on improving the experience of those in our world, the figures came after it.
⭐ Growth is an energetic game. Yes you do have to take action but you need to work on your energy, your mind, your internal world first. Understanding the energetics of growth and money has helped me hugely.
⭐ Follow soul. Do what lights you up. Follow nudges even when they look nuts and risky. Take the risk from the place of soul... follow that guidance and trust you are supported.
There is so much more I want to share, so much more that wants to come through.
I will be honouring a promise I made. That when I got to this mark I would teach others about The Energetics of Growth and the 7 figure gateway. I am just waiting for the details of what wants to move through me to come in it’s own divine timing.
And lastly this. There was a part of me that was really nervous to send this email. To be seen in this way.
But then it came back to this.
Yes I did this for me but the bigger drive has been to do it for you.
Because the more I grow and defy what is logical then the more you get to.
We are in this together and I am so excited to continue on this journey with you.
Thank you to all of you for the love and support in getting here.
I am eternally grateful.