Do you choose love over fear?
What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
This is a question I ask my clients all of the time because fear is one of the biggest topics we talk about, especially for entrepreneurs.
⭐ How much of your decisions are based on protecting yourself from failure?
⭐ What do you put off because of a fear of failing?
⭐ Do you spend your life trying to work out the how, when you should be focusing on the why?
⭐ Do you calculate what you might lose if you get it wrong, make a mistake or it doesn't go as planned?
Intuitively, I knew there was more to life than living in a state of constant fear. So I began to ask myself questions like...
✨ Would I start my own business if I knew I wouldn't fail? YES!
✨ Would I hand in my notice if I knew my business would be a huge success?
The answer was always overwhelmingly YES!
I then chose to use this as my new guiding light, my new true North Star when I had to choose between love or fear.
Fear is a low vibrational energy - it restricts us, keeps us small & keeps us from fulfilling our potential.
Love, optimism, & hope are higher vibrational energies - they raise us up & get us on the right path.
What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail.
Journaling can be a time of great introspection and alchemy. Here are a few journal prompts should you be keen to write from fear and love:
If I choose love over fear & it is a huge would my life look different? Would I be following my soul's truest desires? How could I embody this now? How would I speak? What would I wear? What decisions would I make?
Remember ultimately it comes down to which vibration you choose to hold yourself at.