There is no right or wrong way of BEING

One of my clients recently achieved a new position at work which was everything she had been hoping for.

However despite her mind, ego & logic rejoicing in celebration…her body and energy were expressing a different story. 

Her soul was intuitively telling her she didn't want this new position, but she had never listened to the whispers of her soul or intuition. So what did we do? We let them all have a say...ego, soul, & spirit.

Are you listening to your Soul? Ego? Spirit?

Are you listening to what you truly desire?

Are you coming outside of your conditioned way of being?

Are you coming away from other’s opinions and perceptions of success?

Because what I desire is different from what you desire. There is no right or wrong way of BEING. We can only be true to what we individually feel called towards. 

And sometimes it’s terrifying because we look at our business and say ‘Actually I don’t want to be doing this anymore, I want to be doing that." Well, choose that if you truly desire it and it is from a soul aligned place.

I am here to help you connect within so you can be guided by yourself. 

It is only getting more and more noisy. People telling you what you should be doing, how much money you should be earning, and what defines success.

What if none of that mattered?

What if only what mattered is what your soul is guiding you towards?

Make decisions from your higher self, not towards.

Caroline Britton