How to manifest your desires

How do we manifest our desires?

Many of my clients come to me with this question.

When it comes to manifestation you need to get very clear on what it is that you want. 

The first step is to get specific and write out all of your desires. Not the smaller, safer version...your BIG Expansive Vision! 

Then you need to overcome the blocks, beliefs, conditioning, and stories that say you aren't worthy or capable of having your Big Vision.

You then have a conversation with your ego and let it know you will be actively choosing only the beliefs and self-talk that serves you. [Remember you get to choose this everyday!]

And finally you surrender to the idea that you need to know the how. That is for the Universe to decide. Your job is only to know the why. Feel it in your body, why do you want this Big Vision? How do you want to feel?

Then you release it. You trust in the not yet seen and believe that your Big Expansive Vision is making its way to you.

Release all expectations you have of how and when it will be delivered to you. 

But most importantly what it will look like. Most often when our desires manifest, they look different than anything we could have ever imagined. More magical. More miraculous. More divine.

And understand you aren't doing this alone. 

The Universe is here to guide you. Let yourself be led. And trust in your heart that everything is conspiring in your favour.

Trust that the Universe is 'rearranging' everything to manifest you your desires.

Anything you see, feel and desire is because it is written in your destiny.

Caroline Britton