Imposter Syndrome
In order to grow you do not need to be more of something…
It is your patriarchal conditioning that thrives off you playing small, not feeling good enough and placing your worth on things outside of you such as how much money you earn or what job you have.
That is not your TRUTH.
You are enough, just as you are...
Would you ever speak to your child or loved one the way you speak to yourself? No. So speak to yourself in the loving, compassionate way you speak to others.
Feel in your heart the unconditional love you have for them, this is your soul speaking to their soul.
You have an innate way to speak to your own soul and your soul deserves that unconditional love too.
We have all been given a unique set of experiences, frequencies and strengths that are our superpowers.
We are all here at this moment in time for a reason. You are here to do powerful work that gives back to the world.
Everything you need is already within you. You are an energetic, vibrational being existing in a Universe that is constantly expanding.
Love more, be you, expand more…
The Universe around you is not separate from you.
I am you. You are me. We are one. All is well...