PR Made Simple: Facing the Fear, Rejecting the Ick and Getting Known For What You Do

Today we are bringing you my latest guest speaker podcast episode all around overcoming your fear of visibility.

In this conversation I sit down with my good friend Pippa Goulden and talk about how I cracked the code on building a personal profile.

I share my own journey of conquering my fear of visibility, the importance of authenticity and how I skyrocketed my own PR.

We discuss practical steps to navigate your own fear, to take action, the significance of incremental changes, and how to use PR to help you grow your business.

I explain how fear is a common experience amongst business owners and that taking action is essential for growth.

I will give you comfort in knowing that even the most successful entrepreneurs grapple with fear and how you can learn to use it as rocket fuel for your growth.

Click here to listen.

Caroline Britton