What does it feel like to connect to my spirit team?
The other day my Dad was here for lunch and was curious about how my connection to spirit worked. He himself has a PhD in Chemistry but being the legend he is, continues to be fascinated by the talent I have to just know, hear, sense, see and predict things.
A skill that often defies the logic we have been conditioned to rely on.
He was asking me lots of questions about it. He can see the results are irrefutable but how does it actually work for me? So I wanted to share how I explained it to him.
For me it is through feeling. I use my body, my senses, my gut and I trust and flow with what is being shown to me. It’s like having a conversation where it is based on being able to get into a certain rhythm. A rhythm with no prescribed beat.
Sometimes I can feel them stepping behind my right shoulder (you may sometimes notice I lean into them when you have a session with me or I teach) and they speak to me. It’s kind of like a tap that is being turned on and you have to go with that current. Sometimes full on sentences, sometimes words, sometimes images.
Somehow the words just flow through me and I frequently don’t know what I’ve just said. It’s like having a superpower of articulation and insight. I open myself up and let them channel whatever flows through me. I basically am in complete trust, I recognise I am simply the messenger.
Many clients re watch the recordings and it blows their mind about the randomness of the words and how accurate it is for them. These insights are very hard to find logically and I like to see it as a nifty short cut. A wide lens that can see things my humanness can’t always.
Then other times it comes as an absolute certainty that something needs to be shared. They usually give me a sentence as soon as the client sits in front of me. Or it can be an immediate taking on of the client’s emotional state... I feel the pain in the throat, the block in the shoulder and know what each of these things means to this person. They usually throw in some images to help. These often mean nothing to me but are very particular to my clients.
Then come the other avenues of connection beyond the hearing and feeling .. they come through writing. The pen flowing and my hand writing changing.
So how do you start to develop your gift?
You have to trust.
Trust what is being shown to you, even if it makes no sense.
Trust that twinge, that gut feel, that knowing, that hunch.
Trust when you feel differently around someone or they occupy your thoughts.
Trust the little voice that pops into your ear or what flows through your writing and speaking.
Trust when you speak to them they always respond. You just have to be open to the different ways they might come through.
When you trust you start seeing how your connection is like a puzzle putting pieces together. Be patient, honour the process and go into the feels.
It is then that you start growing in confidence. From my experience it is then that your connection starts to strengthen.
For me, my connection to my incredible team (and they really are at a high level) is my greatest gift and one I know I am here to share with the world. I also want to help you do the same.
My wish for you is to remember that you always had it within you to connect the whole time. They are always there, you just need to ask.