What do you when you are wavering on trust

So often we can waver. Falter. Grind to a halt.

You have these dreams for yourself, you feel you are all in and then all of a sudden fear comes at you.

The ego becomes so noisy. You start thinking maybe it is not as possible as you thought.

Maybe it isn't as available as you thought. Maybe you should stop having such big dreams and take it down a few notches.

Your trust starts to waver and before you know it you are panicking, overthinking and desperately trying to scale back your hopes to avoid disappointment.

One of the things to know is that trust gets to be chosen daily.

Trust gets to be a vibration that you choose over and over again.

It gets to be part of your daily practice.

It gets to be who you are.

You get to decide to be someone who trusts.

You get to decide to be someone who doesn't need to know the how but knows it will somehow happen.

You get to be someone who says 'Me, I am an excellent manifestor - look at what I can do'

You get to bring trust in through your words. Declaring "I have no idea how this is going to come together but I trust everything is conspiring in my favour to make this happen."

You get to come out of the over thinking and say I am going to drop into my heart in this moment and find trust in there.

You get to be someone who moves your body and intentionally transmutes fear into faith.

So today, stop seeing trust as something you pick once.

See it as a daily commitment, something you show up for and work with daily.

There is something greater than you working at all times and trust helps you find your way to all that is rightfully yours.

Caroline Britton