Want to accelerate? Go beyond...
If you are desiring to
super turbo charge forwards
shift things at lightening speed
It is important that you go beyond where you are now.
This is the key.
Let ALL parts of you go beyond how things appear now and start working with the power you have to create the extra-ordinary in this moment.
So many of us want to create the extra-ordinary but we fixate on the now.
Looking at metrics, obsessing over time, the how, the lack. Saying but it looks like 'this' now so surely it can't look like 'that' in the future.
Perpetuating the same cycles, reality, patterns.
We are repeating the same cycles because we buy into the way things look now.
Now was created with what has been.
What is to come is created in the now.
How magically motivating is that.
It's time to go beyond.
You can make your mind, thoughts, feelings and vibration work magic for what is to come.
Start accessing the fire in your belly that knows this as a truth.
Focus on the feelings of what magic is coming, feel the excitement for it, trust, place intention on it. Go beyond.
The biggest gift you can give yourself is to decide, today, that you are the powerful creator of your reality. Find that as your truth.
Lock it in. Done deal. Then act with total belief that is so.
Use the now to dream, go bigger, refuse to settle.
Draw a line in the energetic sand of what you are DONE with.
Get up and go with this energy.
Take your ability to create magic as the greatest gift you've been given.
Then make your moves accordingly.