Want the magic formula?
Most of us are seeking it.
That magic formula that shows you what you need to DO in order to make things happen.
We know that we are supposed to trust and surrender but then it gets confusing.
When do we take action?
When do we be still?
When do we allow ourselves to release expectation?
How do we even know where to start?
The thing is everyday the answer will be different. You are continually working with an unseen number of different components and interplaying parts.
The key lies in this.
Everyday taking time, intentional time, with no distractions to get really quiet, go within and listen.
To be taking your directions from that knowing within the stillness of YOU.
So many of us are taking the direction from the business model of someone else.
Or from what we THINK we NEED to do.
We are operating from autopilot.
Getting up, doubting, looking at our to do list and operating from the same place of "I think I should do this" everyday.
Meanwhile, your guides, The Universe, spirit looks on and says I wish you would only listen.
Because deep within you there is a part of you that knows and senses the way.
This part of you will give you...
💫 The perfect words to write to activate the soul of people who are meant to work with you
💫 The divine synchronicity for chance encounters
💫 The clear knowing of yes we make this move because it takes you to this incredible place you have asked for [even though you don't know how]
💫 The nudge of hold off we are re-arranging things to be even better than you can imagine
The magic formula is YOU.
You have it within you.
Beyond the noise. The auto-pilot. The habits.
To access this formula go VERY quiet each and everyday.
Look and listen and sense nowhere but within.
Then your job? TRUST what you are given.
Required to take an action. Take it.
Required to surrender. Surrender.
Required to write something. Write it.
Required to rest and stop, rest and stop.
There is a whole team ready to guide you.
They have the big picture, they've heard your dreams, they understand your highest good.
Let them show you.