There are going to be times in your life where you are called towards doing life in a new way

There are going to be times in your life where you are called towards doing life in a new way.

Sometimes this calling comes smoothly, it's an inner knowing that you feel powerful enough to respond to in that moment.

Other times it feels like chaos, like a crumbling. Like things don't quite fit anymore. Like all your old clothes just won't quite fit but an uncertainty about what you would wear and choose if anything was on the table.

A knowing you are being called to let things fall away, to make way for the new.

Yet no idea what the new may look like.

It is at this point that we want to control.

To cling on to what we had. Who we were. What we thought.

This is where many of us might look for answers outside of ourselves.

We say maybe the answers, the way forwards, the guarantee will be in an Instagram post, a book, what your friends say, what he or she is doing.

But we know better than that.

The answers are always within us.

Waiting for those moments when we are brave enough to stop numbing, stop distracting, stop busying.

And where we drop in.

Past the discomfort.

Past the noise.

Past the doubt.

There is a place deep within you that knows.

It knows the truth, the infinite potential of you and your access to all possible outcomes.

It knows the way forwards.

Caroline Britton