The power of incremental shifts

It is so tempting to look at the person who is seemingly “there” and to decide that it is way out of reach for you.

It is so tempting to decide that until you fix, sort and learn x,y and z then any dreams you have are out of reach.

It is so tempting to decide that to pull into your reality all that you dream of there are various hurdles that need to be moved past. That there are certain milestones and things that need to happen in order to make it so.

Then before we know, we have put ourselves in a holding pen.

We’ve cut off the flow to the miraculous.

We’ve made outcomes mean the ticking off of certain things and then before we know it these blocks have become our reality.

When the truth is that one thing does not mean more in the supernatural field. The Universe has no comprehension that what you are asking for is bigger or more unlikely than the other thing.

It is just responding to your resistance or lack of it.

So what if we stopped creating conditions based on beliefs we don’t actually want to have?

What if we stopped right now? Put the pen down. Stopped in our tracks.

And made a shift.

A shift in the beliefs we have about the way that things get to be for us.

So let me take this further and talk about my recent experience.

I had the realisation the other day that I believe there are parts of my being-ness that are not a match, or appropriate, for growing my business or making money.

That the introverted, quiet, shy part of me cannot help my business grow.

But then I realised this. She is allowed out in other areas of my life. In the areas of my life that are the most flow and ease to me - my relationships with friends, Matt, my kids, my family - I fully embrace my beingness in all ways in these areas. So if I go for a walk with a friend and I feel a bit quiet, a bit within myself, a bit withdrawn… I don’t make it mean anything. I don’t make it mean that my relationships will fail or that I am not deserving of love or growth in these areas.

Yet I don’t apply the same principles in my business.


Because I’ve created a belief system, a story around it.

How powerful is that?

If I can do this well when I am not fully allowing myself to receive in all parts of who I am? What will happen when I have new beliefs around being able to receive, grow, elevate no matter which parts of me I am bringing to the table?

What if I believe I get to receive, grow and have all that I desire just because.

Just because I always could. Just because it was always mine to have. Just because I am fully deserving. Now. As I am.

What if I stopped making one thing [in this case a part of my being] mean more than another?

Maybe you are doing this too?

Maybe you make…

❤️ Rest means your business can’t bring any money in.
❤️ Struggle and it feeling hard the only way to growth.
❤️ Fixing yourself, or making yourself more of something, the only path to success.
❤️ The ups and downs of your emotions or your profit meaning if your business gets to succeed or not.
❤️ Fear 'the truth and dependable fact checker' and dreams & desires the ‘unreliable optimist'.

And this is the really important part I want you to read time and time again until it goes in.

What you believe and choose gets to be possible for you is your most POTENT POWER.

And what are you choosing in this moment, right now? And what do you do when you realise these beliefs and stories are putting your Universally given desires into a holding space?

1. You get really really honest with yourself about what you believe and have chosen is possible for you. If it helps you can look at the contrast with what you believe is possible for you versus what you believe is possible for others [maybe look at someone you feel is “there” and decide what you think is possible for them versus you - can you see the difference?]
2. You then take a moment to be with what you actually want to believe and choose is possible for you. If you had a magic wand - what would be the belief system you would choose that would make everything immediately come into your reality?
3. You then sit with the fear, self-doubt or discomfort that you are somehow deluded for getting to believe it gets to be different for you.
4. And then you CHOOSE. You choose to apply the power of incrementally shifting. Day after day. Decision after decision. Allowing the new belief system you are wanting to be your truth.
5. And as those old patterns of beliefs come up. You choose the new beliefs. Even when you don’t fully buy into this work. You keep saying “If I believed this to be true” how might I be living, moving forwards, deciding from this energy?
6. Then you go do that. Time and time again.

Because eventually things will start to change, you will start to change, things will start to come in that are more magical than you ever dreamed of.

Because we are that powerful. Our beliefs are that powerful. Our choice in each moment is that powerful.

The future of my business success is being carried along by the power of me making these internal shifts in beliefs about what is possible for me each and every day.

It’s about the energy from which I choose to make my moves.

And how powerful is it when I make my moves forward from this belief system:

⭐ That it is ultimately going to work out for me
⭐ That I can trust myself fully
⭐ That everything is conspiring in my favour
⭐ That all parts of my being-ness have equal value, worthiness, power and ALL have the ability to magnetise exponential growth to it
⭐ That money gets to come to me, just because I allowed it no matter how on, tired, confident, capable or deserving I feel

When I believe in the above it changes how I show up but most importantly it changes who I BE as I do it.

And in the BEING with these powerful beliefs is where the secret resides.

Caroline Britton