The power is within you
You are uniquely brilliant.
So many of us hear there is no-one like us but have you let that truly land?
That there is absolutely no-one in this world like you. With your quirks, your nuances, your gifts, your experiences.
Have you taken a moment to marvel that you, just as you are, were put here at this time for a purpose greater than you can comprehend? That it is all part of a divine plan.
Those limiting beliefs about your capabilities and what is possible for you are not yours.
It's a product of conditioning, old paradigms and unconscious programming.
There are SO many people with gifts, purpose and resolve that are hiding it away from themselves. Refusing to believe it is so.
Are you one of them?
Are you waiting?
Are you not taking action?
Are you in fear?
It's a waste.
It's a waste of the gloriousness of you.
Let go of the idea that you don't know how or what to do or if you are enough.
Instead let this land - you were born with a soul blueprint that knows exactly the way.
That blueprint lives within you.
Those people you are comparing yourself to?
They have a different soul print. They will have a different why, story and how. They don't have your map, you do.
It's time to trust yourself and to be led by forces so much greater than you.
How? Internalise this as your truth each and every day.
"I am guided, enough and whole. I am open to what is mine by divine right and act on intuitive nudges. I am willing to take inspired action. I am here for incredible purpose work. I am always being guided in each and every moment to the most abundant of blessings in perfect ways. I am magic in motion."