Questioning why we are taught to fear

It’s so hard when we are in it, to see it. To see the fear that is pumped out through our media, our society, corrupt institutions. To see the way we are conditioned to focus on all the things we should fear.


Fear keeps us separate.

Fear weakens us.

Fear divides us. Fear makes us much more likely to give away our rights.

Division is rife through society at the moment and it’s being breed by fear.

We are constantly played a narrative about how we should fear each other’s political and religious beliefs, that you are selfish if you are pro this or anti this, that one group is right or wrong. We are told to pick sides. To coerce people into viewing things a certain way. To fear those who have different views, backgrounds, beliefs from us.

My view is that this pumping out of fear, this determination to divide us, to make us scared... serves a greater purpose.

There is a small and very powerful part of society that benefits from keeping us in fear. Keeping us divided. Keeping us in the dark.

They fear what will happen when we realise that we are constantly being coerced, manipulated, controlled.

They know how much stronger we are when we stand together.

Stand together for the rights of ALL.

For the rights of what we put in our bodies and minds and environment.

The rights of our children.

The rights for the generations to come.

This is not a call to pick sides.

This is a call to question why we are taught to fear.

It’s a call to go beyond our television screens, the media and the conditioning that we are born into.

It’s a call to see beyond our differences and to remember this.

If you want more love in the world. Then BE the love.

If you want to spread more light in the world. Then BE the light.

If you want to see more freedom in the world. Then BE freedom.

And you start with you. Work on the division you see in yourself. The parts of you that reject your shadow self, reject your darkness, reject your light.

Then take it bigger.

Start to observe the world outside of you.

Look at the fear based narrative everywhere.

Watch as your kids are fed it. You are fed it.

And ask yourself why?

Caroline Britton