Part 1: The movement, the mayhem and the magic as we journey to multiple 7 figures

As promised I am taking you with me as we create the next level of growth in My Caroline Britton world.

This blog is part of a series called The movement, the mayhem and the magic as we journey to multiple 7 figures.

Each week I will be breaking down what is happening into these categories [what I have been moving i.e. what I am doing to move things forwards, what is causing mayhem i.e. what challenges I am navigating and magic i.e. what is The Universe bringing me]

I know that at any stage in my business I would have found Behind The Scenes insights like this so powerful because don't we all wonder when we look at 7 figure brands...

  • How you actually do it?

  • What kind of blocks you experience along the way?

  • How you navigate the challenges and the fear and the set backs?

  • Where does the magic come in?

So over the course of the next 12 months I am going to take you on this journey as we go through the process of me:

🔑 Elevating my personal brand as The Soul and Magic Coach™️ and creating High Level Transformational Mentorship journeys 

🔑 Becoming The CEO of The Soul and Magic Academy™️ which is an online platform focused on transformational and high quality online learnings 

🔑 Sharing our brand new 4 archetypes (these are incredible!!) which will show you how to understand and work with your archetype to unlock your next level of soul connection, magic and joy 

🔑 Creating a series of behind the scenes footage, inspiration and valuable content to guide you to your next level 

So where do we start today? Today we start with looking at some of the lessons of 2022 I have learnt so far:

The movement

This year has been all about movement and not in the way I have thought. There has been a lot of transition, changes and challenges.

The lesson in this has been learning to be adaptable. I have needed to be prepared to pivot. I have learnt to make sure that I don't make challenges mean something about me. I avoid creating stories around these things as this very quickly throws us off. Instead I hold on to my mantra "Everything is conspiring in my favour so I can hold more at my next level."

A lot of old clients have come back into my world, they've missed the magic and it's become clearer than ever that we must look after our people - whether they are still clients or not. These soul bonds are sacred and I prioritise the nurturing of my existing audience first + foremost. I remember the tiniest of details about my old clients, even if they come back after several years - people treasure this, I treasure this.

A huge change towards providing transformational value through online and recorded content. Online programs have flown this year and we have often added in live elements so that people can have a hybrid of both. People love having the ability to self-study + then ask questions where needed. Be prepared to try different offers for your audience, you will find what works and what does not by doing [not guessing].

Working with 10 soul aligned 121 private clients who I have witnessed transform. The level of mentoring I have shown up with has blown my socks off. You will get better and better each year if you commit to your craft. The key thing here is you need to commit to getting better and better and consistently pushing your parameters. I am so excited to see an even greater level of holding space for my private mentoring clients in 2023.

The mayhem

There has been a lot of it this year.

Team challenges - this has taught me the importance of boundaries, compassion and also better contracts + systems in place. It's made me a better leader and toughened me up a bit - in a good way!

People taking my content and using it as their own - this has taught me the importance of Trade Marking, T and C's + honouring my gut on who comes into my world

Power distribution - learning to hold more clients, wealth, responsibility, programs, payments and systems. We've had hundreds of people come through our world in paid programs this year and I have learnt how to hold people at different levels and in different containers. This requires a fine balance between service and how much you give and at what level. Growth won't come if you have a wired nervous system that dreads supporting more people. It comes through the ability to hold more in a way that feel expansive and joyful.

The magic

These are just some of the key things that seemingly "fell" out of the sky:

Necker island and meeting Richard Branson

Very high profile clients who just "happened" to hear about me or were introduced by someone who just "knew of me"

Private mentoring clients who just had the nudge and signed up for year long packages without ever doing a program with me

The name and purpose of my book and how quickly it came into this world

Podcast speaker spots + collaborations that came out of nowhere

Daily synchronicity that will blow your socks off

So what are the main takeaways?

  • Want to grow and leap? It means taking risks, getting support, being brave, getting back up again, turning hard times into opportunities + being fearless in your pursuit of your dreams. No matter what.

  • Want to create more magic? You need to look for it, believe in it, ask for it and be open for it. Everyday. When you go to rely purely on the strategy recognise this is fear + control. Let the magic flow in too.

  • Want to lead people? Lead yourself. Go first. Live your life. Dream bigger. Do things your way. Stop looking around you. Look ahead. Be bold. Be you.

  • Want to create a life of your dreams? Laser focus on possibility. See only possibility, speak only of possibility, dream of possibility.

  • Want to do it quicker? Get a mentor, get a coach, get LONG TERM support. The value of someone knowing you is everything. We think we can live without it - it's so much harder to do it alone! Throw in someone who also works with magic and you are set ;)

So where to next?

Now for those who want much closer proximity to me so they can sky rocket their success, there are 2 options:

Private Mentoring - From £4999 per month

My Inner Circle - From £888 per month

Want to get incredible transformation through online programs and/or live access to me?

My online training programs start from £299

My Intuitive Coaching Academy - From £2999 [With regular live access to me]

To find out more about what might be the best option for you then click here to email Team Caroline.

So excited to share more about what is currently happening - it's wild and magical and uncomfortable - all at once!

Caroline Britton