My acorn story...

Recently I did an incredible piece of energy work where I was taken into an underground space beneath the soil and I was asked to insert a golden acorn within my heart chakra.

When I felt the acorn land in my heart I realised it was upside down and had turned brown.

As I went about turning it very slowly the right way up I realised that there was resistance in letting it go up towards the light and through the soil.

From beneath the ground I was shown how much more comfortable it feels to keep it buried quietly beneath the soil.

Like a deep seated feeling of "well at least I have the acorn" and I can have it as a back up to use when I need it.

When I followed the energy above the soil I saw a crowd of people I know and those I didn't.

I felt really worried about this next level of visibility.

They were all quiet and watching my every move.

There was this fear that surely the more we allow people to see us, the more we open ourselves up to the judgment of others?

The opinions of others. The projections of others.

It was in this moment that I realised that my desire to keep myself safe and to control the reactions of others has limited the next level which I know is now fully on it's way.

And as I sat in that energy work, beneath the ground, I got this clear message, what would happen if you stopped...

Trying to get everyone to like you?
Trying to keep everyone happy?
Trying to tow the line and not say too much and be too much?
Trying to placate yourself for the demands of others?

And what if you just trusted that whatever you need to say or do now is divinely guided for the highest good of yourself and others?

And then just like that, the acorn turned gold and started to grow. A forest of oak trees started to be shown above the soil.

And then yesterday on a walk I asked for a sign.

One minute later, there was an envelope and printed on it said....


I picked up that envelope and heard a voice to look at the house it sat outside of.

The number?

88 - abundance, abundance

The name of the house - Oakwood

The message? The acorn has already grown, the Oaks are's now making it's way to be on the human field.

We must always trust where we are being guided, even when there is resistance.

Caroline Britton