Leading through the hard stuff
As we grow our business, our careers, ourselves... we invariably come face to face with hard stuff.
When things are going well, Leadership tends to come more easily.
We trust ourselves more, we believe we are making the right choices, we feel like we have it together.
But what about when the hard stuff comes.
When things don't play out as we wish.
When big life changes happen or huge things demand our attention.
All of a sudden we find ourselves off our centre.
Like a fighter who has lost their footing.
We start questioning our ability to lead ourselves.
We wobble, we go back, we stop trusting, we start doubting, we come out of our power.
But what if these setbacks were the most incredible opportunity you ever have to connect back to your power?
What if rather than saying - I am getting it wrong, it's not working, things are too hard.
You decided that it's an opportunity for you to embody a whole new level of Leadership.
I've seen it so many times...
⭐ Needing to have difficult conversations - an opportunity for me to embody a new style of communication which I can then go on and teach others
⭐ Needing to make difficult decisions - an opportunity for me to deepen my trust and then teach people how to do the same
⭐ Needing to pivot my offers or a launch not working - an opportunity for me to learn and grow and then to teach new strategic and energetic concepts so others can learn from my experience
This is why 121 mentorship, Programs and Masterminds are so important.
They stop us from hiding and require that we lead ourselves whilst being held in a space by someone who is committed to Embodied Leadership. Meaning a Leader who is living and acting in alignment with what he/she is holding space for others to do.