A moment in time...

When I was 22 I was in a coffee shop in London.

I was on a lunch break during my job at the time and was queuing for coffee.

I remember clearly that I was watching a woman sitting in the coffee shop writing and I had a thought come in.

One day that will be me.

I will write a book.

It was fleeting but powerful.

Like an absolute certainty, even though it was well away from the reality of the job I was in.

19 years later and here I am.

Sitting here, with the sun streaming into my office, my kids playing in the house and I am writing my first book.

For me, it's been an amazing process.

It's felt really easy and really hard all at once.

The easy bit has been how freely the words want to fall on to the page.

Making me more certain than ever that I am simply delivering a message that needs to be heard.

The difficult bit? How much I am having to lead myself through everything that is coming up as I write.

Old emotions and stories - will people like it, will it be too much, am I sharing too much, is it ok to say this and a knowing from soul that this book is opening up the next level of visibility for me and all that can bring.

It feels like this.....

Me, and me alone, has to trust this book will be enough.

Me, and me alone, has to trust the timing of this book and that it will find it's way to the right people at the right time.

Me, and me alone, has to find the words in their magical form to bring this to life.

The thing is, I am not alone.

I am co-creating this book with the guidance of The Universe.

She guides, I am guided.

She opens me up, I receive.

She tells me it's time, I make my move.

She heard me all those years ago, queuing in that coffee shop in central London, noting my preference and proclaiming to The Universe that one day I will write a book.

And she has delivered me an extra-ordinary set of circumstances that are allowing me to do so right now.

I would never have believed this even 5 years ago.

Although of course a part of me always did.

This is a reminder to trust that somehow everything is coming together for you right now.

You have been heard.

The pieces of the plan are falling into place.

Caroline Britton