I see you there...
I see you there.
The one with the dreams.
The one who knows that you are destined for more.
The one who sometimes feels like you are going crazy because you just KNOW you are here to do BIG things.
To live a BIG life.
The one with a sense of purpose and passion.
The one who dreams of things that you daren’t even mutter to others.
The one who just KNOWS you are supposed to be going bigger.
Who has a burning desire to live a life which is far from ordinary.
Who knows you have it within you to exceed your expectations in every area of your life – from your relationships to your work to your body to your bank balance.
Who knows you are meant to have incredible impact within the world.
Who knows it is their time to RISE UP.
Rise up in all areas of your life.
I see you.
Most of us live in a state of worry or resistance.
Focusing on our lack of power and separateness rather than our ability to create any reality that we want.
We are too busy focusing on our need to control and pre-empting things going wrong that we forget how to live in alignment.
We forget we are supported and can live in ease and flow when we channel the greater source that is available to all of us.
So, I am here to tell you something.
You are not helpless.
You can create the life you want.
You have more power than you will ever realise.
You can make change happen but first you have to believe in the miracles to see them.
Ask yourself this… “If I believed I was supported whole heartedly by the universe what different decisions would I make? What would I say yes to? What would I show up for? What dreams would I go after?”
This is where my journey into my business started. With an acceptance I had to lean towards love not fear.