How are you living?

As many of you know I have recently turned 40. As often happens as we enter a new decade it’s been a time of reflecting, of connecting in and of working out what the next decade holds. 

My immediate reaction was to start drawing up goals and lists and then something came through.

A kind of click. 

In this next decade I want to prioritise living.

Then the floodgates opened. 

My mentor, Kat, held a mirror up to me and said surely your future is not just about what you achieve but how you live too yes?

The thing is I have just kind of fallen into the habit of doing things a certain way. Things that usually have some sort of fear based story. Things like...

⭐ I work Monday to Thursday at my desk between school hours. That’s just what I do and I get as much as I can done in that time.

⭐ I always start with my to do list. The most important thing is to get through as much of that as I can 

⭐ I should always have a plan. A rough idea of how I am going to bring money in

⭐ I don’t drink until Thursday and then the weekend gets marked by opening up the wine. Even though it makes me feel a bit rubbish - it is just what I do 

⭐ I am an excellent multi-tasker so I should monopolise on that. Therefore on the walk back from (and to) school I should fill any gaps. With client Voxers, a quick look at emails or learning something. A podcast if I have time 

⭐ Chilling out, watching movies, faffing, pottering should be reserved for time when everything has been done (does that happen?) or Fridays off 

And so the list goes gone....

But in September I have started pivoting.  

I am running the show differently. 

I am running my life differently

The results are astounding. Irrefutable to be honest.

⭐ I have worked less than I ever have done but it’s been like opening a magical treasure chest.

⭐ I’ve called in the most amazing soul led clients and filled my Inner Circle and Spiritual Entrepreneur 

⭐ I’ve made six figures in one month 

⭐ I feel more joyful, aligned and connected than ever 

⭐ I can tune in to myself and anyone with total ease

⭐ My guidance is next level for myself and for others 

⭐ We’ve exchanged on our dream house 

⭐ I am calm, relaxed, joyous.

So how have I done it?

I’ve come back to soul. Not shoulds. Not conditioning. Not patterns.

And quite honestly it’s taken more discipline than I thought possible. The habitual way of doing things is so tempting to go back to sometimes. 

Not to mention what my ego has been saying about all of it.

But I have made shifts...

I’ve been following the joy.

⭐ If I want to watch a movie, nap, go for a walk I do. Even if my ego says there is no way I can do that and be more abundant (she’s wrong - sorry Linda)

⭐ If I want to promote something because it feels good I do. If it doesn’t I don’t.

⭐ If I want to turn up on social media I do. If it doesn’t feel aligned then I don’t.

⭐ I shut out the world until 11 am most days.  

Where was once reactivity is now connecting in through exercise, inner work, journalling. That gets prioritised every day. The phone goes on aeroplane mode until then. 

Writing to you with whatever wants to come through replaces my to do list.

And yes clients still get love, care, nurturing. Content is still written and things are still launched.

But it’s in flow. It’s aligned. It’s joyous.

And following the joy, the living, the connection means it has an ease to it.

I used to believe that you have to sacrifice a bit of you, your time, your energy to get to where you want to be.

Now I realise you get there by prioritising the joy, the connection, the guidance.

I know I am being called to teach on this. Once it’s formed and the time feels right. It will be on its way to you. 

Until then. 

Caroline Britton