Do you get that niggling sense that something is off?

Do you get that niggling sense that something is off?

Is your body pulling at you in order to get your attention?

Is there a feeling of disconnection to the life you are living?

One of the ways that our higher self tries to get our attention is to come through our body.

The pull on the shoulder, the knot in the tummy, the feeling of restlessness.

It is in these moments that the tendency is to use the mind to dissociate from these feelings and instead try and plough on regardless. Telling ourselves things like "It is fine" and "You should be grateful." Note: both of these things can be true and exist alongside a knowingness there is more.

These feelings, these nudges are actually a part of us that is ready to step forwards to take us to new places we might not even realise existed.

These feelings and nudges are fundamental in showing you the next step.

As you tune into the nudges, the feeling of something being off.... ask your body...

What are you trying to show me?
What is not feeling right for you?
Where are you yearning for something else?
What are you trying to get me to realise?

Remember that the motivation to ignore what your body is trying to tell you is because the ego knows it may mean change, discomfort and making scary moves.

On the flip side of this is where the magic lies.

Your body knows.

Your feelings are powerful messengers.

Take the time to listen to them and the way will start to be shown.

Piece by piece the magic will come together.

You might even see a path that you never even knew you could get to walk.

Caroline Britton