Do you ever doubt that the leaves will sprout again?

Many of you will be familiar with my love of Trevor (my treadmill) but there is also another companion whose kept me going. Now humour me, the bush (pictured) which sits right in front of me when I run.


Now when we were in the early months of the year and it felt bleak, I used to look at this bush and it all looked so sad - no leaves, no sign of anything springing, still, dormant, nothing in bloom.

And then one day I received the reminder to consider my life, my business, my ups and downs like this bush.

This bush would one day start sprouting leaves, the abundance of Mother Nature returning. Today, I saw real signs of this, which has prompted this post.

The message that came through was this... do you ever doubt that the leaves will sprout again Caroline? You implicitly trust that this will happen, so why would it be any different in any other area of your life? Why the need to watch & doubt & not trust those darker periods?

It’s the same energy, it is all governed by the same life force. You are governed by the same life force.

I guess I wrote this post because I wanted to remind you of the importance of trust. Trusting in the natural unfolding of things. Trusting that you, in good time, get to bloom just like this bush.

Keep holding the faith.

With love,

Caroline x

Caroline Britton