Developing next level gifts...
On Monday when I was in London meeting a long standing and amazing 1:1 client we were talking about how psychic I have become.
How it is like a continual stream moving through me where, with very little effort, I can vibrationally align with the messages that spirit is passing through for my clients and for me.
In my last two 1:1 sessions with this client I have been shown very clearly what is to come, what to do now and what they are showing through current events. They have pre-dominantly been psychic readings with the most incredible guidance for her, her business and her children.
These messages are given to me through a series of visual images and often come with words and a persistent nudge around what needs to be said. Spirit usually won't let up until I've shared what needs to be shared.
In our time together over the last few years my client commented that the accuracy and power of these readings are next level. That combined with the mentorship knowledge I have, the results are astounding.
And it got me thinking, how? How can it be that my gift has developed to this next level at such a rapid rate? And if it has for me, it must be accessible for so many of you in my world too.
So firstly I want you to know this, yes I have always been very connected. Sensitive. Had an inner knowing of things, people and situations but at the beginning of my journey this has primarily been communicated through feelings and senses in my body.
A strong sense about someone or something, an ability to be able to take on others' emotional states, a strong sense of guidance for me and other people. The ability to tune into the radio station of my soul and the souls of others is where it started.
Over the last 5 years it is at a whole other level - I can see things, smell things, taste things, know things, hear things, predict things and access guidance from people who have passed. I can attune to angels, Goddesses, spirit teams and guides.
I now realise this has not happened by accident.
Every day over the last 5 years I have leant more and more into my psychic gifts as my primary go to tool for me AND my clients.
I live a life where I speak to my spirit team, I ask for signs, I spend time meditating, I listen closely and above everything else I really TRUST what is being given to me on a daily basis.
Over the last 5 years when I have had a tiny nudge, whisper, flicker, sense I have honoured it.
In order to do this I have had to leave my ego at the door.
There is no room in my work for caring if people think I am nuts or right or too much.
My job is to be true to me being the messenger. To have a humility in the power of the access I have and to always give the messages that they want to come through.
This is what has changed my work the most.
It's not the work of the head, it's the work of my soul.
It's a language of light and it's a privilege.
So for those that this resonates with start trusting what is coming through, do the work around the conditioning that says it's weird or you are wrong - you are not. Leave your ego at the door.
Trust these gifts as your natural state.
And embrace it all. We need more of us doing this. It can change everything.