A story from the corporate world that hurt….

Somehow along the way you may have picked up ludicrous ideas. Ideas that you are not successful enough, loveable enough, worthy enough, good enough, clever enough. 

I want to let you into a defining moment for me. It’s not something I have ever shared but it was a big moment for me and for some reason I felt the call to share it today. Weirdly, the sharing has bought up some real pangs for me so this is likely as much of a gift for me as for you.  

When I was in the corporate world, after the birth of my second son, there was a restructure and I was given a new role. I knew my new Manager wanted me to prove myself and I wanted to rise to the challenge. I really went above and beyond - I worked late hours, I would feed my son and then work until 10 p.m. at night on a Sunday. I tried really really hard to get better at data analysis and excel and doing things the way I thought things had to be done. I really set my heart on proving myself. 

Then one day, after I had done a presentation to a group of senior management [and I had been wracked with nerves beforehand], she pulled me into a room and said something that really stuck with me….

“I wanted to give you some feedback. You are not really a thought leader. I would stick to operations and work a bit on your public speaking too"

I came out of that meeting and cried. You know that feeling when a bit of you fragments, it’s like a wound, and you can feel how your light dims. Your spark goes. Then the voice of fear and ego steps up and takes over. You internalise it and it becomes your reality. It becomes your belief. 

The thing is I took that statement as the truth. And I am sure that the Manager in front of me didn’t mean to cause such damage - she was simply operating from her parameters.

But it stuck with me.

And every time I went to try and explore the idea of going it alone, her words would appear and I would shrink down. Back down. 

Because how could I be a coach, a speaker, a teacher if what she said was true?

How could I start a business that relied on my ability to captivate an audience, to teach, to create new and innovative ways of doing things if what she said was true?

But the thing is it wasn’t true. I took her words and made them mine.

But beyond that I took her words and made them fit into the belief I had that sat beneath all of it. I wasn’t good enough. 

So my questions to you is this. How many of other peoples words have become your own? How much are old stories and memories running the show?


✨ You and you alone get to decide you are enough.

✨ You and you alone get to decide what life you want to create.

✨ You and you alone get to CHOOSE what is possible for you.  

Because I want you to know EVERYTHING is possible. 

I want you to realise that you CAN make it work. You are enough. You are enough. You are ENOUGH.

I want you to challenge and ditch and become unavailable for anything that tells you otherwise.

I want you to decide today that the damaging stories of others  about what is right for you, what you are worthy of and what you can have are NOT your own.  You get to decide which ones you keep. 

Get out a piece of paper and write down all the reasons that say you cannot create the life, business, income, body, relationship or anything you want. 

Then I want you to take your pen out and cross out EVERYTHING that you are deciding to let go of. I want you to activate one of your greatest gifts- the ability to CHOOSE which reality and beliefs you subscribe to. 

This is the moment you take your power back.

Because the fact is YOU are sacred. You get to decide what you allow into your mind, your body and your energy. 

The best thing I ever did was shed [and continue to and always will] everything that doesn’t help me with the path to all that I truly desire.

I have taken the power back for that slightly broken mother of two who was so desperately trying to prove her worth all those years ago.

And I am committed to doing it for you too.

With love,

Caroline x

Caroline Britton