My commitment to myself for 90 days...

3 weeks ago I made a commitment to myself for the next 90 days.

I wanted to see what would happen when I prioritised becoming the fullest version of myself every day for 90 days. 21 days in and I am amazed at the difference.

So where did I start?

I started by looking at everything I felt I should be doing, habits that weren't serving me and being totally honest about the energy behind everything I did.

I got really quiet with myself and asked, what would the fullest version of me look like?

The first thing I heard was that I would need a total commitment to

⭐ Regulating my nervous system

⭐ Coming out of my head and into my body

⭐ Being in total silence meditating for 2 hours a day with a focus on accepting and loving all parts of me

So out came a pen and I wrote down the numbers of every day of the month for 3 months and made a declaration out loud to honouring the commitments I made above.

I then got clear on who I believed I would be in 90 days if I did this and my bigger why of how this work on myself will ultimately help others. For if I walk it then I can help others do the same.

21 days into 90 days and I feel like I've connected in even more in the last few weeks than I have in years.

Every day looks like:

✨ Somatic movement- I am doing a 90 day course which helps me come into my body and out of my head. This has been amazing for my nervous system and is releasing huge amounts of resistance, fear and blocked emotions

✨ Breathwork, sound healing, yoga, daily walks

✨ An overhaul of my dietwhere I predominantly focus on protein, nourishment and mindful eating

✨ Lots and lots of silencewhere I sit with whatever wants to come up, be shown and what wants to be loved

✨ The prioritisation of accepting and loving myselfover any goals, fears, work pressures, old stories of what comes first

And the thing is this, I didn't do this to hit a goal.

I did this because I want to learn to become even more at one with the present.

To be free and to find peace no matter what is happening outside of me.

Because I know I am worthy of all of this.

To show up in all areas of my life from a place of wholeness.

Who would you be if you made a commitment to something you are being called to do?

Caroline Britton