Decide and the Universe will deliver

You have the choice...

You get to choose every day. 

You get to choose your thoughts and your beliefs. 

Everything is more intentional than you realise…

You are either moving towards your ideal reality or you are pulling away from it at any given moment…

The difference between people who have pulled in what they desire and those who are never able to get there, is that those who pulled it in decided that they got to have it.

And when the fear came in and their ego became too loud, they didn’t leave. They worked through the thoughts, allowed the ego and fear to express themselves and then moved past it, so it didn’t keep them stuck. 

The power of intentionally choosing is so powerful. Every day, slow turn the wheel on your ship whilst turning it in a direction you desire.

It is within these small choices every day, the magic starts to happen because they all add up to something greater.

The Universe will start to rearrange itself and support you in achieving all that is yours by divine right…

You are more powerful than you realise. Use your superpowers for what they are for...magic!

Caroline Britton