Become Aware of Your Ancestral Stories

Start becoming conscious of the stories you have about yourself that you believe to be true from childhood…

Start becoming aware of the ancestral conditioning that’s holding you back…

And then, once you have this awareness- flip it and start to Lead yourself through the obstacles. 

So many of us are being pulled by the ego, the fear, the guilt, the shame and the stories…

It’s time to severe the cords that bind us.

I want you to declare that YOU lead the way. That you lead yourself through the shadows & through the ups and downs of life. 

To know that it is ok to mother yourself and know that there is immense power in stepping up for your inner-child. Telling your inner-child it is ok and safe.

Where in your life are you being asked to lead yourself? [In your job, relationship, friendships?]

Take your journal and reflect on this question today.

Caroline Britton