Karen's Story

I feel like a different person today and yet more like myself than I’ve ever done - I know that will make sense to you!

I feel hollow inside but in a good way - as if something black and toxic had been filling all the space inside of me until now and although I have done things in the past to lessen the effect that has had on me, I had never managed to remove it.  Now I feel like everything has been taken away and what is left is space to fill with good things yet to come.   

I’m usually very articulate but can’t find the finds to express my gratitude to you for yesterday. I knew with every fibre of my being when I first heard of you that I had been lead to you. I know yesterday’s session was the key to everything I have struggled to overcome in the years I have worked on becoming the person I want to be. Thank you doesn’t really seem enough to convey my gratitude but I know you will know that it’s heartfelt. Thank you

Caroline Britton